The Tucson Area SLAA Intergroup has the responsibility to ensure the continued success of the Tucson fellowship through these primary functions:
- Schedule and maintain 12-step meetings at local facilities.
- Determine meeting content and format that provides benefit to members and is consistent with the 12-step traditions of SLAA.
- Provide each meeting with resources and materials to conduct each meeting to include but not limited to: a meeting leader (aka Group Service Representative), program literature, meeting supplies (timer, pencils, battery), etc.
- Collection and deposit of donations that support the financial needs of the Fellowship. Financial reconciliation of collections and disbursements.
- Communicate with members of the fellowship as well as the greater community via multiple channels (e.g. email, telephone, website, meeting announcements.
- Promote the Fellowship (through attraction) via outreach and education in the professional behavioral health community.
The Intergroup conducts a monthly business meeting at 11:15 am the second Sunday of every month via Zoom. The purpose of the business meeting is as follows:
- Reconcilement of the donations and financial reporting for the previous financial period. One month equals a financial period.
- Review and discuss meeting attendance and overall members satisfaction with meeting content and organization.
- Review and discuss inbound communication received via mail, email, or phone.
- Vote on any pending business matters.
- Addressing and resolving past and/or current initiatives and issues that require discussion.
The Tucson Intergroup of SLAA consists of seven officers that serve one to three year commitments in the following roles:
Chairperson – The Chairperson is the leader of the Intergroup and has overall responsibility for executing the mission of SLAA. Individual responsibilities include (but not limited to):
- Create and set the agenda for each monthly Intergroup business meeting.
- Conduct the monthly Intergroup business meeting and call for votes on pending business matters.
- Ensure the business functions of Tucson SLAA are being performed in a manner that adequately serves the needs of the Fellowship as defined in the Mission Statement.
- Document and publish the monthly Intergroup meeting minutes.
- Liaison with Fellowship Wide Services (FWS) on an as-needed basis.
- Vote on pending business matters.
- Other functions that contribute to the overall mission of SLAA.
Secretary – The Secretary is responsible for ensuring that accurate and sufficient documentation exists to meet legal requirements, and to enable authorized persons to determine when, how, and by whom the board's business was conducted. In order to fulfill these responsibilities, and subject to the organization's bylaws, the Secretary records minutes of meetings, ensures their accuracy, and availability, proposes policies and practices, submits various reports to the board, maintains membership records, fulfills any other requirements of an Officer, and performs other duties as the need arises and/or as defined in the bylaws.
The secretary is responsible for ensuring that accurate minutes of meetings are taken and approved. Requirements of minutes may vary with the jurisdiction but should include at a minimum:
- date, time, location of meeting;
- list of those present and absent;
- list of items discussed;
- list of reports presented;
- text of motions presented and description of their disposition.
Custodian of records:
The Secretary ensures that the records of the organization are maintained as required by law and made available when required by authorized persons. These records may include founding documents, (eg. letters, articles of incorporation, etc.), lists of officers, board and committee meeting minutes, financial reports, and other official records.
Treasurer – The Treasurer has responsibility for all financial matters pertaining to Tucson SLAA. We recommend that the treasurer commit to a two-year term. Responsibilities include (but are not limited to):
- Collect donations from each of the meeting leaders on a monthly basis prior to the business meeting via cash or PayPal.
- Reconcile the received donations against the meeting totals and deposit the funds in the bank account at the local depository institution chosen by the Intergroup.
- Disburse funds as needed to pay for ongoing expenses.
- Reconcile the monthly bank statements against the offline balance sheet.
- Maintain relationships with local bank personnel.
- Attend monthly Intergroup business meetings and provide financial reporting.
- Vote on pending business matters.
- Other functions that contribute to the overall mission.
Literature Manager – The Literature Manager has the responsibility of receiving literature orders from the meeting leaders, placing orders online via the FWS website, receiving orders and reconciling order contents against the invoice. Distributing literature to meeting leaders. Additional responsibilities include (but not limited to):
- Maintain adequate reserve literature inventory levels.
- Keep the Intergroup apprised of new literature when it becomes available.
- Attend monthly Intergroup business meetings and vote on pending business matters.
- Other functions that contribute to the overall mission of SLAA.
Communications Coordinator – The Communications Coordinator has primary responsibility for a) answering and responding to inquiries via phone and email, and b) maintaining and sending communications to the email listserv/newsletter. In addition, the Communication Coordinator may engage in public relations, outreach, and intra-group communication. Individual responsibilities include (but are not limited to):
- Respond in a timely manner to phone and email inquiries.
- Report email and phone statistics to Intergroup.
- Assist in facilitating outgoing email and phone outreach campaigns on an “as needed” basis.
- Attend monthly business meetings and vote on pending business matters.
- Other functions that contribute to the overall mission of SLAA.
Events Coordinator – Required recovery time is 6 months. The events coordinator works in conjunction with Intergroup, and other local groups or meetings, to help organize SLAA events such workshops, fellowship events, or other special occasions. Depending on the event, the coordinator may work alone, receive support from others, or may create a committee to help organize such events. Other duties may include but are not limited to: creating media, announcements, flyers, securing event spaces, providing financial estimates for events, etc. The event coordinator must attend monthly Intergroup meetings and provide reports along with all other Intergroup members.
Webmaster – The Webmaster has primary responsibility for maintaining and updating the Tucson SLAA website, and working with the treasurer to maintain Tucson SLAA’s online accounts (e.g. Zoom). Responsibilities include (but are not limited to):
- Maintaining the SLAA website by refreshing web pages as necessary and providing major changes.
- Posting local meetings on the website.
- Reporting web traffic to Intergroup (quarterly?).
- Attending monthly business meetings and voting on pending business matters.
- Other functions that contribute to the overall mission of SLAA.
Delegate – The Delegate serves as the liaison between the Tucson SLAA Intergroup and Fellowship Wide Services (FWS). Responsibilities include:
- Attending the annual business meeting
- Listening to group concerns and soliciting individual votes on issues that will be addressed at the annual business meeting.
- Voting Tucson-area Intergroup’s group conscience at the ABM.
- Submiting motions to be considered at the annual business meeting based on area group conscience.
- Participating in conference committees during the year.
- Disseminating information obtained from the annual business meeting.
- Attending monthly intergroup business meetings and voting on pending business matters.
- Other functions that contribute to the overall mission of SLAA.
Meeting Time and Location
The Intergroup conducts a monthly business meeting at 11:15 am the second Sunday of every month on Zoom